The Protagonish! Launching Oct 24th!

Our short, point-and-click adventure game finally has a launch date!
We will be releasing the full version of The Protagonish, for Windows, Mac and Linux, on Steam and on October 24th, at 6pm UK time! And we will be having a launch party in Leith! Testing is going well on all platforms, including Steam Deck and the achievements you can unlock.
We are also going to be in Steam Next Fest, and at Blackpool Play Expo this weekend! To celebrate we've got a new trailer, and a month of behind-the-scenes exclusives, and making of content to whet your appetite!
It's taken longer than anticipated to get all the logic of the game tested, it turns out creating an adventure game where the adventurer doesn't take any actions doesn't make a lot of sense for point-and-click engines! However, we have forced Visionaire Studio to bow to our whims, and it is now behaving. I'm still adding sound effects, polishing the animations and dialogue choice order, while we get feedback from our valiant beta-testers.
However, we are also beginning to plan for our next major release, that will go into production in January. Sign up for the blog here, to get the behind-the-scenes information first, as well as information about our next title!